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Augusta County, to wit. -- On the oath of Robert Renoxe it appears tome that Mathew Young di d beat and abuse Michael Bready with the buttend of his musket to the degree that life is i n danger, which appearsto me in view as also the opinion of Dr. Flood, who is ordered to attend him.
I, therefore, in His Majesty's Name, command you to apprehend andinclose the said Mathew You ng in prison until it appears that thesaid Bready is in a way of recovery and that he, the s aid Young, bedischarged by the due course of the law.
You are likewise to apprehend and inclose one John Walker, who appearsto vindicate the abov e Young in his desired murder, &C.
Given under my Hand and Seal, this First day of September 1747.
James Patton
Executed by me, John Edward, 2nd September 1747. Mathew Young's Bond(with Nathan Lusk) and J ames (his mark) Asebury for appearance at thenext court. Signed, Sealed and Acknowledged bef ore us:
James Patton
John Buchanan
John Willson
(From Lusk Family compiled by Dale Johnson - page 3)
[George Lusk.FTW]
Mathew Young was in Captain John McDowell's company in 1742, a farmerand live d on Whistle C reek of the James River. He was the son ofJames Young. (August a Co., VA Deed Book 3, p. 160 ). (Informationcopied from Ancestors & Friends, by William Lusk Crawford, Sr.)AUGUSTA COUNT Y, VIRGINIA - COURT RECORDS Augu sta County, to wit. --On the oath of Robert Renoxe it appea rs to me that Mat hew Young didbeat and abuse Michael Bready with the butt end of his muske t to thedegree that life is in danger, which appears to me in view as also theop inion of D r. Flood, who is ordered to attend him. I, therefore, inHis Majesty 's Name, command you t o apprehend and inclose the saidMathew Young in prison until it appears that the said Bread y is in away of recovery and that he, the said Young, be discharged by the duecourse of th e law. You are likewise to apprehend and inclose one JohnWalker, who appears to vindicate th e above Youn g in his desiredmurder, &C. Given under my Hand and Seal, this First day of S eptember 1747. James Patton Executed by me, John Edward, 2nd September1747. Mathew Young's Bo nd (with Nathan Lusk) and James (his mark)Asebury for appea rance at the next court. Signed , Sealed andAcknowledged before us: James Pa tton John Buchanan John Willson (FromLusk Fami ly compiled by Dale Johnson - pa ge 3) Date: 98-12-1422:22:43 EST From: Scooper361 Are you f amiliar wi th Matthew andAgnes Lusk Young who were md in Augusta Co, VA and came to Long Canes, SC ca 1755? She was the daughter of Nathan Lusk who died ca 1748.Wo uld like to hear fro m you re this family. Thanks, Sue Cooper