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......Census:: Moniteau, Cooper County, Missouri: Page 363B:
Karsteter, John, age 50, OH, PA, MD, Farmer
Karsteter, Franey, age 44, OH, SWIT, SWIT, Keep House
Karsteter, Orange, age 16, WI, Laborer
Denise Fields
Anyone want to hazard some guesses on the origin of Orange as a given
name? In our case it is Orange Karstetter, and probably the father of
Sarah Karstetter, who was the mother of Amanda Rabuck, born in 1870.
Probably he was my ggg grandfather. Any Karstetter researchers??
Denise Oregon where the Rogue River runs
This seems like an odd first name but do not find it as a last name
in any ancesters. Would like any info on any Karstetters but Orange
in particular. Only other info I have found is that a Sarah
Karstetter married a man named Rabuck (no first name). They had a
daughter named Amanda who married Stephen J, Willard,2 March 1887
somewhere in Wisconsin. TIA