Salt Lake City


Oct. 18th, 1899


Dear Wives and Children,


Last night we finished our series of meetings with a Ice Cream Banquet which I think I shall never forget, there were present five of the Apostles, President J. F. Smith, and about 15 others of our leading men with their wives and daughters, and several of the best singers in the Church, and 39 of us missionarys and a happier band of people I never met.  And taken all together I think that what I have seen, heard, and felt during these last few days has paid me for all my past trials, and I am determined to spend the remainder of my days laboring to save my fellow men.  I wish you and Annie and Mary had been here to have went with me last night as I had the privilege given me to take you all with me, I was blest and set apart to this mission under the hands of 5 of the Apostles namely:- Brothers Lyman, Smith, Grant, Cowly, and Woodruff;and I know the blessings they pronounced upon my head will be mine if I remain true even to the reuniting of my family.

     Now Dear ones do not murmur or complain when trials come upon you but put your trust in God, he will support you at all times, let your heart be drawn unto God at all times in behalf of your children that you may have wisdom given you to guide them in that straight and narrow path that leadeth to life eternal, encourage them all you can to prayerfully read the books of the church, and exclude every book or paper from your homes that is not calculated to increase their faith in God, If any reading matter is sent to you through the mails that is not good fro the spiritual growth of yourselves or children, leave it there for remember my Dear Wives and children that God commands all of us to repent and cease from all evil, and to put away all vanity and light mindedness and unbecoming conversation; everything that is liable to lead the thoughts into unholy channels, you know I have striven to have you all make yourselves acquainted with the word of God, which is the Iron rod that leadeth to eternal life (see and read Lehi’s & Nephi’s Visions) see to it that ye love and forgive one another that your heavenly father may forgive you.

     I start for my field of labor tomorrow namely San Luis County, Colorada.

     I will write you my full address latter.

     Now do not deem me unloving or indifferent to you if you do not receive as many letters as you would like, as we are especially commanded to devout all the time possible to our labors and not to allow our minds to be devided, or deverted from te prupose of our mission.

     While I cannot expect to have time to write to each of my wives and children very often, yet it would not take me long to read letters from them, and I hope they will all write me as often as they conveniently can, especially from each of you Mothers who’s loving watch care over the children you have borne to me, I know I will never cease to remember.  For remember all of you that while I would rather come home in a box than to fail to faithfully fulfill this mission my love for those whom God hath promised should be mine for eternity if I prove faithfull, is one of my greatest incentives to be faithfull.  Well I must draw my letter to a close, again enjoining upon you to love and do good to each other and cultivate and make strong those kindred ties that should bind you together.

     Remember me kindly in your prayers, as I shall ever remember you.


P.S.  As this letter is for all of you please have Lilly copy it that my other families may read it if you wish to keep it.

     From your loving husband and father, Joseph Moulton.


Carrie addressed to Aunt Lizzie.