RNT Family History

 Meridian Cemetery, Meridian, Bosque, Texas, United States of America


Located near the Meridian courthouse;
go 2/10 a mile north on Hwy174 from the courthouse to South Hill Street
turn right go 2/10 a mile and you are in front of the cemetery

Meridian Cemetery located in the city limits of Meridian at the south
end of Hill Street. This burial ground was laid out by George B. Erath
when he surveyed the town of Meridian for a county seat of the newly
organized Bosque County. It was Block 41. In the years since, more
land has been bought on the south.


 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Josey, Lonzo Bert
Josey, Lonzo Bert
Grave Location: Section I, JOSEY, L. Bert 06 SEP 1879--22 SEP 1944