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O'Daniel, James
James O'Daniel
Born: May 2, 1813
Died: Dec 9 1885
We cannot tell who next will be,
Beneath thy chasting rod.
One must be first, but let us all
Prepare to meet our God
Status: Located
Linked to | O'Daniel, James |
Old Plum Grove Cemetery, West Point, Fayette, Texas, United States of America
Notes: Old Plum Grove Cemetery is located in
Fayette County, east of West Point, Texas.
West Point is a small community about l0 miles
west of La Grange on Hwy. 7l (going toward
Austin). Old Plum Grove is a miles or so east
of West Point and the Woods Prairie
(sometimes called Woods Fort Cemetery) is
about 2-3 miles west of West Point.
Old Plum Grove is historic because it is the
location of the first Baptist Church
chartered west of the Colorado.That first church
was called Hopewell Baptist Church.
Plum Grove Baptist Church was established
in 1839 on land owned by John Criswell Sr.
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