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Summers, Jasper Newton

Grave Location: Row 12 Space "G" Summers J.N. Sept 1861-July 1912

Status: Located

Linked toSummers, Jasper Newton

Pine Ridge Cemetery, Pine Ridge, Montgomery, Arkansas, United States of America

Notes: The Pine Ridge Cemetery is located just out of Pine Ridge. Highway 88, the Oden to Mena road, runs through Pine Ridge, a rural community, in northwestern Montgomery County, AR. This cemetery was known as the Waters Cemetery until the community's name was changed to Pine Ridge in 1936. The cemetery is on land donated by George D. Drain. Take the Old Waters Highway between the 'Lum 'n' Abner' museum/store and the outhouse, behind the store, ¼ mile to the Pine Ridge Baptist and Union Churches. This large well maintained cemetery is located on the left side of the road. The old section of the cemetery transcribed by me, Olwyn, over Thanksgiving week 2003. Took five hours of intense work. At least 565 graves. 99% of the graves are marked, previously unmarked graves (66) all have small rectangle granite stone, size of a brick, with the appropriate surname etched. The first grave in cemetery, 20g Mary Roden 1880-1886 is marked with a headstone and cedar tree right in the middle of the cemetery. Only a couple of field stones remain. Over the cyclone fence there was only one obvious field stone and a couple of white quartz stones. There are 38 veterans buried here including 5f. Wm. Grady who served in the Sp Am War. The cemetery was re-walked by me to check transcription during Spring Break mid March 2004. Daffodils blooming and iris were up.

The cemetery books transcriptions are in aphetically order, lists 25 additional graves mostly infants, and additional details e.g. many maiden names. The group of EH ladies who initially transcribed the cemetery in 1986 were familiar with the families in the community enabling them to note additional information and they made very few mistakes when comparing my cemetery transcription with the books. Printing: 21 pages with portrait orientation. Printing landscape will give you some addition information found on the headstones.

As you walk through the gate Row 1 starts in the right hand corner and heads straight back. All the rows were transcribed in the same direction front to back. The new section is about the last three rows and the headstones along the new fence in the L.

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