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Jacobs, Edward

Grave Location: Row 13:
13.7 -JACOBS, Edward, July 13, 1872, Sept. 3, 1941

Status: Located

Linked toJacobs, Edward

Fordtran Cemetery, Fordtran, Victoria, Texas, United States of America

Notes: http://www.viptx.net/vcgs/FordtranCem.html

FORDTRAN CEMETERY, Victoria County, Texas
This is also known as the MIDGETT Family Cemetery
We would like to thank Cynthia (MIDGETT) Shaffer for submitting the following information.

SOME RECORDS IN THIS TRANSCRIPTION WERE TAKEN FROM A 1970 CEMETERY TRANSCRIPTION AND VERIFIED FROM AN ACTUAL VISIT IN MAY 2002. (Row numbers given, lot numbers given with names, all other lots assumed vacant). Comments in parenthesis are from the 1970 survey. Additional comments from May 2002 survey are in brackets. Every effort has been made to transcribe this cemetery as accurately and completely as possible; apology is made in the case of error. Cynthia (Midgett) Shaffer, email.

Directions: Traveling north to south on Highway 59, take the Inez, #444 exit (about 14 miles north of Victoria, Texas). Turn right onto FM 444. Travel about 17 1/2 miles, to Highway 77. Turn right onto Highway 77, travel about 2/10 mile, and then turn left onto Fordtran Road. Travel about 4/10 mile and the cemetery will be on your left. (If coming from Victoria, take the Inez exit, turn left under Highway 59, turn left for 2/10 of a mile, then turn right onto FM 444 and follow the remaining directions above.) There is not a sign indicating the cemetery name. It is immediately on the left side of the road and easy to find. The cemetery is fairly small, fenced with a chain-linked fence, and is well kept.

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